ADS Specialized Services
ADS® FlowSIGHT™ by Subterra, a programmatic monitoring solution for your most critical wastewater infrastructure. Assets should be prioritized based on criticality. Interceptor sewers are critical and require more monitoring than others. But at what cost? Using ADS’s Innovative Screening Technology and turnkey field services this end-to-end, Data-as-a Service (DaaS) solution enables municipalities to routinely monitor the health of these assets without breaking the bank.
Obtain actionable data including:- Characteristics
- Conditions
- Capacity
- Rate of Change
Flow Monitoring
The results of accurate flow monitoring identify and prioritize sub-basins with infiltration/inflow problems, if possible eliminating sub-basins from further study.
Long term flow monitoring presents pre & post flow performance data to support project goals, verifies rehabilitation, and justifies future projects. In addition, it calibrates models with actual design storm flows. Temporary flow studies delineate problem areas, rank sub-basins by inflow and infiltration (I/I) severity and eliminate basin areas from unnecessary, costly fieldwork.ADS is the only company that can provide single point accountability for flow monitoring equipment, software, field installation, and maintenance services.
Comprehensive Field Services
Whether you have a 5 or 500+ monitor network, ADS offers comprehensive field services to support the proper installation and operation of all flow monitor networks. Field services supplied by ADS under an annual service program are comprised of the following tasks:- Periodic site confirmations to ensure proper operation of sensors
- Quarterly site maintenance to clean sensors
- Site visits as required, when automated diagnostic input from the monitor indicates problems
- Battery replacement
- Failed sensor replacement
Certified ADS Field Services
Customers with ADS field maintenance services reap the benefits of our expertly managed program, experiencing exceptional up-time benefits. ADS currently maintains up-times of better than 96% for monitors under annual service agreements. Our field procedures are managed under ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems. All field technicians and managers undergo extensive training programs requiring individual certification prior to eligibility for ADS field work.
Sewer Systems Evaluation Surveys (SSES) and Condition Assessment
ADS offers Sewer System Evaluation Surveys (SSES). We have more experience in sewer diagnostic and field investigation activities than any other company in the industry. We have the resources and personnel to effectively manage the inventory, condition, and performance analysis required for successful SSES projects. The ADS team has successfully performed hundreds of Consent Order driven projects. Throughout our history, ADS has managed SSES programs through a unique, systematic approach utilizing quality-controlled tasks including, flow monitoring, dye water testing, manhole inspections, flow isolations, and smoke testing.
Targeted SSES work helps our clients spend less money on expensive rehabilitation and construction efforts while maximizing removal of I/I. ADS invests significant time and effort in training programs and resources to ensure its project personnel are adequately equipped with the appropriate knowledge and skills to perform their job at the highest capacity. In addition to the extensive training provided to the field staff, ADS requires that their SSES project managers follow ISO 9001:2015 certified Quality Management System, which includes a project management plan.
Smoke Testing, CCTV, Manhole Inspection, Dye Water Testing, Flow Isolation
Smoke Testing
Smoke testing will identify inflow sources and most restrictive conditions within the sewer lines. Non-toxic smoke is forced into the sewer and breaks will allow the smoke to escape. Smoke testing of a sewer system identifies and quantifies inflow sources. This procedure includes simultaneously testing sewer mains and services lines using a specially-designed smoke blower to force a non-toxic smoke into the sewer system. Every defect is referenced to at least two permanent points and a schematic drawing giving detailed directions is completed and included in the final report. Video or photographs are made of all located problems and referenced in the final report to aid the rehabilitation contractor.A successful program of smoke testing includes several key components:
- Equipment: Smoke testing blowers that have a minimum capacity of 1,500 cfm, are utilized.
- Staff and Safety: ADS manages the industry’s most rigorous field training program with all personnel properly certified in confined space entry, CPR, traffic control, and general field safety procedures.
- Communication and Public Response: The public notification program will provide adequate and advance warning to residential, commercial, and industrial properties along with local fire departments.
- Quality Control: Through ISO 9001:2015 approved quality control procedures, ADS maintains a complete quality control program through all phases of SSES projects. All located severe defects including storm drain connections, are immediately reported to our clients.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection services pinpoint the specific location of pipeline deficiencies. It allows for an internal, up-close evaluation of the structural conditions within the sewer pipe. CCTV inspection is performed to determine the location and extent of any defects that may permit groundwater infiltration or reduce the hydraulic efficiency of the collection system. CCTV inspection can identify pipe joints that have become misaligned, pipe joints that have missing or deteriorated joint sealing material, sections of pipe that have settled, cracked pipe, broken pipe, holes in pipe, protruding service lines, and service lines that were added to the collection system by breaking a hole in the main line with a hammer. Debris; (FOG) fats, oils or grease; or varied other blockages within pipe segments affects collection system performance and robs the system of capacity. CCTV inspection will identify those pipeline deficiencies and help with developing a systematic approach to cleaning of those pipelines. The purpose of sewer line cleaning is to remove foreign material from the interior surface of the pipe and to restore the sewer to near original carrying capacity. Part of the success of CCTV inspection depends upon the cleanliness of the line. The cleaning equipment is capable of removing dirt, grease, roots, rocks, sand, and other materials, plus obstructions from the sewer lines and manholes. The cleaning equipment utilizes high-pressure water pumped through a hose and nozzle propelled through the sewer by water discharged from the nozzle. ADS manages the industry’s most rigorous field training program with all personnel properly certified in confined space entry, CPR, traffic control, and general field safety procedures. Through ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, ADS maintains a complete quality control program through all phases of SSES projects. In addition, all data processing and analysis is reviewed by Six Sigma process improvement methods.Manhole Inspection
A manhole inspection is performed in order to accurately inventory the assets of the collection system, to update collection system maps and to determine the structural condition of each manhole, recording any defects. During a manhole inspection, ADS field crews take a complete inventory of each manhole including construction materials, ring size, depth to invert, flow conditions and evidence of surcharge. All inventory information is recorded in the project database and can be used to develop maintenance and repair programs. ADS also uses digital camera equipment during manhole inspection to document defects that may be discovered. These inspections determine the physical condition, location and length of the sewer system and isolates possible sources of infiltration and inflow. For each manhole in the study area, field crews perform visual manhole and pipeline inspections, correcting collection system maps when errors or omissions are encountered. Manholes are frequently a significant source of infiltration/inflow, and detailed inspection of them during this phase of the study can often reduce subsequent, more expensive field tasks. Information gathered during the physical inspection helps determine rehabilitation methods and costs. All located severe defects including storm drain connections, are immediately reported to our clients.Dye Water Testing
Usually performed in conjunction with internal TV inspections. Dye Water Testing aides in the location and quantification of specific defects during an evaluation. The procedure consists of forcing non-toxic dye into defects located during smoke testing and manhole inspection. The path of the dye is then documented, and leaks in the sewer lines are located. Manholes with evidence of inflow/infiltration (I/I), mainline defects, cross-connections, roof drains and area drains can all be investigated using the dye testing/flooding procedure. Cross-connections, roof drains and area drains that are suspected of being connected to the sanitary sewer will be positively identified using the dye testing procedure. The dye is forced into defects that were located during other system inspections. The path of the dye is then documented and leaks in the sewer lines are located. Manholes with evidence of I/I, mainline defects, cross-connections, roof drains and area drains can all be investigated using the dye testing/flooding procedure. Field documentation and photographs, where feasible, will be used to record all findings.Flow Isolation
Flow isolation is performed in sewer lines where groundwater has been determined to enter the sanitary sewer in significant quantities. Isolation of ground water is undertaken during the early morning hours (midnight to 6am) when residential usage is at a minimum. Portable pipe weirs are placed in the targeted sewer lines to measure the flow in micro-systems of approximately 10,000 linear feet. These measurements are then correlated with the data from continuous flow monitoring, and the results determine those areas actually experiencing excessive groundwater infiltration. The gallons per day per inch-diameter-mile (idm) is calculated in order to isolate the areas contributing significant infiltration. In coastal cities and where ground water levels are high, flow isolation can be a very effective tool in locating extraneous flow.Data Analysis & Delivery
When ADS conducts flow monitoring, SSES, or any other type of field services, the data generated goes through numerous quality control checks and is presented in a format that both explains the information and summarizes our recommended plan of action. All data generated is stored electronically and managed by an information management program. ADS is flexible and can utilize a number of engineering software applications for data management. Raw data can be quickly transferred from a secure server for immediate or future retrieval.
ADS can take the data generated by the representative work and conduct a cost-effective analysis to determine the optimum level of inflow and infiltration (“I/I”) removal, rehabilitation, etc. We can also perform a system evaluation to analyze located defects against flows measured during a previously conducted flow study. This analysis summarizes and prioritizes each defect according to the quantity of I/I estimated to be removed as compared to the cost of conducting the rehabilitation that results in that flow being removed.
Through ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, ADS maintains a complete quality control program for all phases of the project. Trained, experienced ADS data analysts and project engineers analyze data from varied flow monitoring work performed, SSES sub-tasks, or other field services, and make recommendations for cost-effective rehabilitation.
ADS provides secure access to your valuable collection system monitoring data.
Engineering Reporting
In support of our flow monitoring projects, our engineering staff specializes in statistical analysis and data interpretation reporting services capturing system-wide and sub-basin sewer performance intelligence for a myriad of applications. These comprehensive capacity-based reports fall into these general areas:
- Collection system flow data
- Collection system rainfall data
- Collection system flow and rainfall correlations for I/I studies
- Sewer System Evaluation Surveys (SSES)
Reliable Collection System Insight for Decision Making
A staff of engineering professionals experienced in sewer flow hydraulics provide clients with an array of standard analytical reports. These reports detail capacity and performance issues related to specific pipe reaches, mini-basin or basin-by-basin comparisons. Customers apply these reports to I/I reduction and removal, planning, annexation and regulatory compliance.